How to use

The following series of demos will step through how to differentiate a wide variety of functions with spacejam. Check out Installation to get started.

Demo I: Scalar function, scalar input

This is the simplest case, where the function you provide takes in a single scalar argument \((x=a)\) and outputs a single scalar value \(f(a)\).

For example, let’s take a look at the function \(f(x) = x^3\), which you can define below as:

import numpy as np

def f(x):
    return np.array([x**3])

All spacejam needs now is for you to specify a point \(\mathbf p\) where you would like to evaluate your function at:

p = np.array([5])  # evaluation point

Now, evaluating your function and simultaneously computing the derivative with spacejam at this point is as easy as:

import spacejam as sj

ad = sj.AutoDiff(f, p)

The real part of ad is now \(f(x=5) = 125\) and the dual part is \(\left.\frac{\mathrm d f}{\mathrm d x}\right|_{x=5} = 75\) .

These real and dual parts are conveniently stored, respectively, as the r and d attributes in ad and can easily be printed to examine:

print(f'f(x) evaluated at p:\n{ad.r}\n\n'
      f'derivative of f(x) evaluated at p:\n{ad.d}')
f(x) evaluated at p:

derivative of f(x) evaluated at p:


numpy arrays are used when defining your function and returning results because spacejam can also operate on multivariable functions and parameters, which we outline in Demo II: Scalar function with vector input. and Demo III: Vector function with vector input.

Demo II: Scalar function with vector input

This next demo explores the case where a new example function \(f\) can accept vector input, for example \(\mathbf p = (x_1, x_2) = (5, 2)\) and return a single scalar value \(f(\mathbf p) = f(x_1, x_2) = 3x_1x_2 - 2x_2^3/x_1\)

The dual number objects are created in much the same way as in Demo I, where:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} p_{x_1} &= f(x_1, x_2) + \epsilon_{x_1} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1} - \epsilon_{x_2} 0\\ p_{x_2} &= f(x_1, x_2) + \epsilon_{x_1} 0 - \epsilon_{x_2} \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2} \end{align*}\quad,\end{split}\]

as described in Automatic Differentiation: A brief overview. Internally, this is accomplished with the idx and x argument in spacejam.dual so that it knows which dual parts need to be set to zero in the modified dual numbers above. spacejam.autodiff then performs the following internally:

\[\begin{align*} f(\mathbf p) + \epsilon_{x_1}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1} - \epsilon_{x_2}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2} \equiv f(\mathbf p) + \epsilon \left[\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}, \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2}\right] = f(\mathbf p) + \epsilon\nabla f \end{align*}\quad.\]

tl;dr: all that needs to be done is:

import numpy as np
import spacejam as sj

def f(x_1, x_2):
    return np.array([3*x_1*x_2 - 2*x_2**3/x_1])

p = np.array([5, 2]) # evaluation point (x_1, x_2) = (5, 2)

ad = sj.AutoDiff(f, p) # create spacejam object

# check out the results
print(f'f(x) evaluated p:\n{ad.r}\n\n'
      f'grad of f(x) evaluated at p:\n{ad.d}')
f(x) evaluated p:

grad of f(x) evaluated at p:
[6.64 10.20]

Demo III: Vector function with vector input

This final demo shows how to use spacejam to simultaneously evaluate the example vector function:

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{F} = \begin{bmatrix}f_1(x_1, x_2)\\f_2(x_1, x_2) \\f_{3}(x_1, x_2)\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_1^2 + x_1x_2 + 2 \\ x_1x_2^3 + x_1^2 \\ x_2^3/x_1 + x_1 + x_1^2x_2^2 + x_2^4 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

and its Jacobian:

\[\begin{split}\mathbf J = \begin{bmatrix} \nabla f_1(x_1, x_2) \\ \nabla f_2(x_1, x_2) \\ \nabla f_3(x_1, x_2) \end{bmatrix}\quad.\end{split}\]

at the point \(\mathbf{p} = (x_1, x_2) = (1, 2)\) .

The interface with spacejam happens to be exactly the same as in the previous two demos, only now your \(F(x)\) will return a 1D numpy array of functions \((f_1, f_2, f_3)\):

# your (m) system of equations:
# F(x_1, x_2, ..., x_m) = (f1, f2, ..., f_n)
def F(x_1, x_2):
        f_1 = x_1**2 + x_1*x_2 + 2
        f_2 = x_1*x_2**3 + x_1**2
        f_3 = x_1 + x_1**2*x_2**2 + x_2**3/x_1 + x_2**4
        return np.array([f_1, f_2, f_3])

# where you want them evaluated at:
# p = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_m)
p = np.array([1, 2])

# auto differentiate!
ad = sj.AutoDiff(F, p)

# check out the results
print(f'F(x) evaluated at p:\n{ad.r}\n\n'
      f'Jacobian of F(x) evaluated at p:\n{ad.d}')
F(x) evaluated at p:

Jacobian of F(x) evaluated at p:
[[4.00 1.00]
 [10.00 12.00]
 [1.00 48.00]]

Internally, for each \(i\) th entry, in the 1D numpy array ad._full, the real part is the \(i\) th component of \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{p})\) and the dual part is the corresponding row in the Jacobian \(\mathbf J\) evaluated at \(\mathbf p = (x_1, x_2) = (1,2)\) .

This is done in spacejam.autodiff.AutoDiff._matrix for you with:

Fs = np.empty((F(*p).size, 1)) # initialze empty F(p)
jac = np.empty((F(*p).size, p.size)) # initialize empty J F(p)

for i, f in enumerate(ad._full): # fill in each row of each
    Fs[i] = f.r
    jac[i] = f.d

print(f'formated F(p):\n{Fs}\n\nformated J F(p):\n{jac}')
formated F(p):

formated J F(p):
[[4.00 1.00]
 [10.00 12.00]
 [1.00 48.00]]

where ad._full looks like:

[5.00 + eps [4.00 1.00] 9.00 + eps [10.00 12.00] 29.00 + eps [1.00 48.00]]


You are also free to make your own dual numbers (for example \(z = 3 + \epsilon\ 4\)) by doing:

z = sj.Dual(3, 4)

3.00 + eps 4.00

We also use numpy to overload basic trig functions, exponential, and natural log, which are not builtins in python. This is accessed by doing:

result = np.cos(z)
-0.99 - eps 0.56

spacejam formats all numbers to two decimal places but internally the whole number is stored.