Source code for spacejam.integrators

import numpy as np
import sys
from . import dual, autodiff

""" Suite of implicit integrators. These methods include the first three
Adams-Moulton orders (i.e. s = 0, 1, 2).

[docs]def amso(func, X_old, h=1E-3, X_tol=1E-1, i_tol=1E2, kwargs=None): """ Zeroth order Adams-Moulton method (AKA Backward Euler) Parameters ---------- func : function User defined function to be integrated. X_old : numpy.ndarray Initial input to user function h : float (default 1E-3) Timestep X_tol : float (default 1E-1) Minimum difference between Newton-Raphson iterates to terminate on. i_tol : int (default 1E2) Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations. Entire simulation terminates if this number is exceeded. kwargs : dict (default None) optional arguments to be supplied to user defined function. Returns ------- X_new : numpy.ndarray Final X_n+1 found from root finding of implicit method Examples -------- >>> """ if kwargs: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_old, kwargs=kwargs) else: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_old) # Initial guess with forward Euler X_new = X_old + h*ad.r.flatten() # X_{n+1}^(0) # Iterate to better solution for X_new using Newton-Raphson method X_iold = X_old X_inew = X_new i = 0 while np.linalg.norm(X_inew - X_iold) > X_tol: X_iold = X_inew if i > i_tol: msg = "\nSorry, spacejam did not converge for s=0 A-M method.\n" \ "Try adjusting X_tol, i_tol, or using another integrator." sys.exit(msg) ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_iold, kwargs=kwargs) # get Jacobian (ad.d) I = np.eye(len(ad.r.flatten())) D = I - h*ad.d g = X_iold - X_old - h*ad.r.flatten() X_inew = X_iold -, g) # update i += 1 # update X_new = X_iold return X_new
[docs]def amsi(func, X_old, h=1E-3, X_tol=1E-1, i_tol=1E2, kwargs=None): """ First order Adams-Moulton method (AKA Trapezoid) Parameters ---------- func : function User defined function to be integrated. X_old : numpy.ndarray Initial input to user function h : float (default 1E-3) Timestep X_tol : float (default 1E-1) Minimum difference between Newton-Raphson iterates to terminate on. i_tol : int (default 1E2) Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations. Entire simulation terminates if this number is exceeded. kwargs : dict (default None) optional arguments to be supplied to user defined function. Returns ------- X_new : numpy.ndarray Final X_n+1 found from root finding of implicit method """ if kwargs: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_old, kwargs=kwargs) else: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_old) # Initial guess with forward Euler X_new = X_old + h*ad.r.flatten() # X_{n+1}^(0) # Iterate to better solution for X_new using Newton-Raphson method X_iold = X_old X_inew = X_new i = 0 while np.linalg.norm(X_inew - X_iold) > X_tol: X_iold = X_inew if i > i_tol: msg = "\nSorry, spacejam did not converge for s=1 A-M method.\n" \ "Try adjusting X_tol, i_tol, or using another integrator." sys.exit(msg) ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_iold, kwargs=kwargs) # get Jacobian (ad.d) ad_n = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_old, kwargs=kwargs) # for X_n I = np.eye(len(ad.r.flatten())) D = I - (h/2)*ad.d g = X_iold - X_old - (h/2)*ad.r.flatten() - (h/2)*ad_n.r.flatten() X_inew = X_iold -, g) # update i += 1 # update X_new = X_iold return X_new
[docs]def amsii(func, X_n, X_nn, h=1E-3, X_tol=1E-1, i_tol=1E2, kwargs=None): """ Second order Adams-Moulton method Parameters ---------- func : function User defined function to be integrated. X_n : numpy.ndarray X_n X_nn : numpy.ndarray X_n-1 h : float (default 1E-3) Timestep X_tol : float (default 1E-1) Minimum difference between Newton-Raphson iterates to terminate on. i_tol : int (default 1E2) Maximum number of Newton-Raphson iterations. Entire simulation terminates if this number is exceeded. kwargs : dict (default None) optional arguments to be supplied to user defined function. Returns ------- X_new : numpy.ndarray Final X_n+1 found from root finding of implicit method """ if kwargs: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_n, kwargs=kwargs) else: ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_n) # Initial guess with forward Euler X_new = X_n + h*ad.r.flatten() # X_{n+1}^(0) # Iterate to better solution for X_new using Newton-Raphson method X_iold = X_n X_inew = X_new i = 0 while np.linalg.norm(X_inew - X_iold) > X_tol: X_iold = X_inew if i > i_tol: msg = "\nSorry, spacejam did not converge for s=2 A-M method.\n" \ "Try adjusting X_tol, i_tol, or using another integrator." sys.exit(msg) ad = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_iold, kwargs=kwargs) # get Jacobian (ad.d) ad_n = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_n, kwargs=kwargs) # X_n ad_nn = autodiff.AutoDiff(func, X_nn, kwargs=kwargs) # X_n-1 I = np.eye(len(ad.r.flatten())) D = I - (5*h/12)*ad.d g1 = X_iold g2 = X_n g3 = (5/12)*ad.r.flatten() g4 = (2/3)*ad_n.r.flatten() g5 = (1/12)*ad_nn.r.flatten() g = g1 - g2 - h*(g3 + g4 - g5) X_inew = X_iold -, g) # update i += 1 # update X_new = X_iold return X_new